A Must-Have Browser Extension For Every CaptivateIQ user
Speed up your workflow and make the most out of CaptivateIQ with our browser extension. More shortcuts, more features, and more fun!
Features You’ll Love
Our platform is designed to help you grow your business. We have a range of features to help you get the most out of your business.
Override Worksheets
Easily override worksheets to customize your data and calculations.
Manage Workbook Creation
Create and manage workbooks to organize your data and calculations.
Employee/User Data sync
Sync employee and user data to keep your data up-to-date.
Sync Pick Lists
Sync pick lists to ensure consistency across your data.
Custom Data sync
Sync custom data to keep your data up-to-date.
Formula Search
Search for formulas to quickly find the one you need.
Update Build References
Update build references to ensure your build structure is accurate.
Backup Workbook and Plans
Backup your workbooks and plans to prevent implementation loss.
Audit Log Sync
Save your audit log history to better understand changes.
More Coming Soon ...
We're always working on new features to help you grow your business.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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What is this?
This Chrome Extension is an unofficial tool conceived and created by Zhihui Hu with assistance from Amir Achhodi. It automates some common tasks during implementation, troubleshooting, or ongoing maintenance and administration of CaptivateIQ commissions.
What can I do in the Structure Updates section?
The Structure Updates section allows the quick updates of Data Workbook structures, and Override worksheet creation.The Overrides item allows us to create override worksheets given any arbitruary worksheet ending in ".src" The Workbook Creation item allows us to create arbitruary workbook/worksheets given a configuration file. There are defaults for a 1. Model Reference workbook and a sample custom Workbook snippet.
What does Update Override Worksheets do?
This examines the 2Z. Key Columns worksheet for columns that are marked as Overrides. It then automatically creates the .ovr, .eff, and .fin worksheets that correspond to each .src worksheet.
What does the Manage Workbooks section do?
The Manage Workbooks section allows you to easily create workbooks and worksheets with a specific structure. Given a JSON file containing the configuration, the workbook and worksheets can be created.
What does the Employee/User email sync do?
The email sync allows you to select an Employee->User or User to Employee sync that updates the email address to be consistent between the User and Employee objects.
What does the Search Formula/Column do?
This feature allows searching for a string within any derived column formulas. It also allows searching for column names across plans. The output is intended to be copied and pasted into a Google Sheet or Excel file for better readability
What does the Update Build References functionality do?
The Update Build References fetches the current build information and updates the 1B.0 Model Reference.src worksheet with information about the current build. There are two items, Update Build References will update the worksheets and transformation details. Update Column References will update 1C.0 Model Derived Formulas.src with formulas in any derived column, not including reports.